My roles: I was the project manager, working for the lead investigator of this community-engaged research project, which I was involved with from early 2018 to its completion in September 2020. Commissioned by the City of Vancouver, this was a complex project in that it involved multiple partners from different sectors (hotel management reps for seven large downtown hotels, the union representing the workers at those hotels, and TransLink), as well as multiple data sources and research methods (interviews with hotel management and workers, three rounds of paper surveys at each of seven hotels, and TransLink data). It was also an extremely interesting project in that it investigated the effect that varying levels of experimental transit subsidies had on hotel workers’ use of transit for commuting. The work I did for this project was varied, including the following:
As well as the final report, this study has so far generated two academic publications, in which my contributions to the study were acknowledged with authorship credits.
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