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A partial list of where I’ve been quoted or referenced on housing issues



June 23, The Georgia Straight: Councillors ask if 3,500 Airbnb listings are eating into Vancouver’s supply of rental housing, by Travis Lupick. In print, this appeared on page 53-ish, as the Straight’s real estate column.

June 23, Metro: Does Airbnb hurt Vancouver’s rental stock? SFU student mines data, by Emily Jackson. In print, this was on Metro’s front page – June 24.

June 24, CBC Radio Victoria, “On the Island” morning program. No link, but it was in the 7:15 slot.

June 24, Global news at 6: Increasing use of Airbnb may be cutting into Vancouver’s rental stock

June 24, Global, BC1: Is Airbnb eroding Vancouver’s rental market?. This was live at about 8:20.

June 26, The Globe and Mail: Is Airbnb inflating Vancouver’s housing crisis? by Kerry Gold July 3, KRPI Radio live at about 10:40 a.m with Jasbir Romana. No link.

July 3, The Georgia Straight: World Cup 2015: Vancouver hotels are charging anything they want and there’s barely an Airbnb bed left in the city, by Travis Lupick

July 9, 2015, The Vancouver Sun, Vancouver keeps an eye on Airbnb as company snaps up rental properties, by Joanne Lee-Young. In print, on page A5,

July 10. July 12, 2015, The Jill Bennett Show on CKNW. Live at 7:50 a.m.

July 12, 2015, The Victoria Times-Colonist, Vancouver eyeballs Airbnb as rental properties snapped up, revised version of Joanne Lee-Young’s Vancouver Sun story.

July 16, 2015, The Vancouver Sun, Strata councils aim to contain short-term rental services like Airbnb, by Joanne Lee-Young. This was a follow-up to the previous story, but focusing on the issues for strata councils and condos. My info used as background in the accompanying video.

July 16, 2015, The Simi Sara Show on CKNW, with guest host Michael Smyth. Live at 12:35 p.m.

July 25, 2015, Day 6 on CBC Radio: Does Airbnb make it harder to find an apartment? by producer Acey Rowe.

September 1, 2015 Tourism Vancouver pushing to extend hotel tax to Airbnb on CTV News by Jon Woodward

September 2, 2015 Tourism Vancouver considering extending hotel tax to Airbnb suites in The Globe and Mail, by Sunny Dhillon

November 25, 2015 ‘This is not what the city’s housing is meant for’: Airbnb and Vancouver’s rental housing crisis in The Province, by Wendy McLellan

November 27, 2015 Not a business model our industry is embracing: Airbnbs crunch on Vancouver rental housing drawing calls for government regulation in The Province by Wendy McLellan

December 9, 2015 Airbnb could be taking 2,400 units out of Vancouver housing stock, study finds in The Georgia Straight, by Travis Lupick

December 11, 2015 Airbnb rentals growing in Vancouver, study reveals in Metro Vancouver, by Emily Jackson

December 2, 2015 Thousands of Vancouverites to sublet apartments over Christmas period in Vancouver Magazine

December 14, 2015 Airbnb and short-term rentals in Vancouver on the rise on Global by Tanja Beja

December 14, 2015 Guest on BC Almanac on CBC Radio BC. I was the only guest on this hour-long call-in program.

December 15, 2015 Is Airbnb taking too many homes off the rental market? on News1130


February 12, 2016 Regulate Uber, not Airbnb: survey on Global News, by Nadia Stewart

February 26, 2016 Is Airbnb butchering Vancouver’s rental market? in Vancouver Magazine by Jenni Elliott

March 2, 2016 Vancouver Airbnb listings increase as rental vacancies fall below 1 per cent on The Current, National CBBC Radio

March 9, 2016 Airbnb wreaks havoc on Vancouver rental scene in The Vancouver Courier, by Allen Garr

March 15, 2016 Airbnb puts squeeze on renters, affordable housing, environment in The Vancouver Courier, by Allen Garr

March 25, 2016 Airbnb’s popularity has North American cities on edgeIn The Vancouver Sun, by Bethany Lindsay

March 29, 2016 Airbnb’s popularity takes Vancouver by surprisein the Victoria Times Colonist, by Bethany Lindsay

March 30, 2016 Vancouver to investigate Airbnb’s impact on rental housing in Metro Vancouver, by Emily Jackson

March 30, 2016 Vancouver urged to clamp down on Airbnb as low-cost housing dwindles in The Globe and Mail, by Frances Bula

March 30, 2016 Airbnb private rooms not a threat to Vancouver housing market, say hosts in The Thunderbird, by Eva Uguen-Csenge

March 31, 2016, Airbnb overstays welcome of housing advocates, Globe and Mail

April 2016 Reno-viction, 11-minute Capilano film

April 4, 2016 Rental housing is for residents, says Vancouver councillor eyeing Airbnb rules CTV News online, by Laura Kane (CP)

April 4, 2016 News 1130, radio news interview with Simon Druker

April 5, 2016 B.C. politicians dealing with competing interests in Airbnb debate in The Globe and Mail, by Frances Bula

April 5, 2016 Global BC1 Morning News (live) with Sonia Sunger

April 5, 2016 The Lynda Steele Show, CKNW at 4:45 p.m.

April 5, 2016 On the Coast, CBC Radio at 5:15 p.m.

April 6, 2016 How many Tri-City residents are on Airbnb? In The Tricity News, by Gary McKenna

April 11, 2016 City of Vancouver wades into heated short-term rental debate in The Vancouver Courier, by James Smith

April 20, 2016 Airbnb shows an easy fix for problematic listings, but will it use it in Vancouver? in The Georgia Straight, by Travis Lupick

May 10, 2016 Stressed Cities Try to Rein in Accommodation ‘Sharing’ Sites Like Airbnb in The Tyee, by Alexander Villegas

June 1, 2016 Is the City of Vancouver about to crack down on Airbnb?, in Vancouver Magazine by Max Fawcett

June 6, 2016 Vancouver’s top Airbnb earners are commercial hosts, by Frances Bula in The Globe and Mail

June 7, 2016 Latest study of Airbnb listings for Vancouver finds majority are operating as commercial businesses, by Travis Lupick in The Georgia Straight




March 24, 2019, Vancouver city council considers scrapping rental housing incentive program over high rents (Global News)

Citations or credits in blogs and other publications

Other public speaking

November 25, 2015: Presentation at the Pacific Housing Research Network Symposium, Housing Justice Panel (BC Nonprofit Housing Association Conference)

May 10, 2016 Tofino Town Hall on short-term rentals

May 11, 2016 Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce stakeholder meeting

Date: Tyee Home for Good forum. Starting at 43:50 (demand side of the event)